Friday, April 12, 2013


Before I forget, I would like to bear my personal testimony that God lives, Jesus is the Christ. They have ordained and endorsed a living Prophet of the world and twelve apostles. There are 12 year old deacons qourum presidents, 14 year old Teachers quorum presidents, that are more powerful than any pastor or preacher on earth... in fact ANY preisthood holder is. Think of it though, TWELVE YEAR OLDS holding keys to the kingdom of heaven. How I wished I understood that more when I was in those places. Family, and friends, there is priesyhood on the earth today. I know it. It was confirmed to me by the spirit of the Lord as I sat in conference and listened to Apostles and Prophets testify of a living Savior. I know He lives. I know it is His work - not man's - HIS. I love Him. I love this work that I am presently engaged in. I am learning everyday to the work the Lord's way. I bear testimony that the Book of Mormon is true. Nephi walked this earth, Mosiah preached a delightful sermon, Alma and Almulek converted entire cities! Moroni raised the title of Liberty to his beloved Nation, The Brother of Jared sailed uncharted seas, Mormon buried the plates in Cumorah, and Joseph Smith retrieved them again!!! I praise God for that knowledge, in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.
There's a lot to tell you all this week. We had a baptism this passed week of Levy. He is a wondeful old man. He moved into the ward last week, and  we baptized him within that week. After writing you my short letter last P-day, we traveled to his house and asked him if he wanted to be baptized that week and he said yes. His wife (already a member) sobbed and sobbed and told us, "many missionaries have tried to baptize my husband. But for some reason, he listened to you." He started crying too. His baptism was beautiful. Elder Barnett baptized him. I sure love Levy. There's several more in his family just ready to be baptized. I'm grateful for the rest of those missionaries that prepared him and got him to where he was. Hopefully they will soon know of the wonderful success that came from their efforts.
In other news Elder Barnett and I are training together. We just got the call a few minutes ago. We have to go pick up a new missionary in thirty minutes and kick the other two Elders out of our appartment. So Im going to be tired yet again this week, but I have become quite used to that I think. Being a zone leader is interesting. I am trying to learn how to touch missionariy lives from a distance (via phone, note, district leader etc.) rather than having personal and meaningful meetings with them one on one. As a senior companion, and as a district leader, I was able to correct behavior and inspire more quickly because I could put my arm around a missionary and say "I love you, but that was just not ok..." or look them in the eye and say "You can do this!" That just ins't available now. I'm usually a desk and appartment's length away from a missionary on the phone when they are struggling or need advice.
Wow, we have to go. Insight on how to best inspire missionaries from a distance would be appreciated! I love you all!

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