Sunday, September 30, 2012

Be careful about turning the Lord's annoited away.

Bom Dia! Meu Familia! (e meus amigos tam bem)
Announcements: I am glad the package was recieved home. Mom, the reason I sent the belt home was because braded belts aren't allowed in this mission. Thank you for your e-mail and your letter this week. I was glad to hear about Mitch's homecoming talk and the lessons on miracles from sister Williams. I am also grateful to be expecting a package. I love you. Thank you Dad for your e-mail and your letter as well. You also mentioned the homecoming talk. Don't worry I will not sing at my homecoming. I hope you enjoy your semi-useful-semi-something-of-a-semi-calling. One of the things I am learning on my mission is that inspiration really is recieved, even if it is in weird ways. In fact I have a story about that a little later. Elizabeth, thank you for the many e-mails of Olivia and the short messages you shared. Those are truly beautiful videos. I still think you need to name your first boy Moroni, Alma, or... Zeniff? I learned a lot about Zeniff this week! Speaking of which I have a question! Who wrote the record of Zeniff's people after Zeniff passed away? I was researching that in personal study today and couldn't find it. I think that part begins in Mosiah.... 12, if anyone wants to look it up. My guess is its Mormon. And it cant be Alma because when it talks about Alma its still in narration form. Anyway, random. Erik, I loved your e-mail today!!!! I am sorry about your itchiness..... :). I was so excited to hear the update about your new classes and stuff, I had no idea you thought of CES. I loved hearing that you are going to TRC!!! Those were some of my favorite parts about the MTC. I want to go after my mission. Please go with me!!!! Thank you for giving me your real address by the way, I was thinking about that after I sent it. Sometimes I am just dumb with letter writing, I did that to Elizabeth too. Sorry about that.
I recieved a letter from Jeffrey Jeffries this week. That was cool. He's a great kid. I also got a letter from Elder Smethurst. That was fun! Sounds like the Vegas mission is doing well. It will always be in good hands with Elder Smethurst there.
Ok, funny story this week. Kind of. Well not funny for the guy it happened to. So we went to Rob's house. (the one that we challenged to be baptized who accepted who fell of date and has been hard to get in contact with ever since) and his son answered and yelled "My dad is finally here!" (the past couple of times we went, Rob has not been home. Or else they have been less than truthful about telling us if he is home.) So the wife answers the door and says she will go see if he is available. Turns out he doesnt want to talk with us. So we leave and pull around the corner to go to another appointment. So we pray in preparation for the next appointment and I just felt like asking Heavenly Father for something to happen to Rob that would make him need us in his life. LESS than ten minutes later he is backing out of his driveway when a car smashes into his back bumper crushing his trunk. (No worries he is totally fine). If he had just had a lesson with us, his car would not have been damaged.
That same day a lady walked into church, and then seeming frightened started walking back out. We quickly got her attention and spoke with her. She was looking for a church and had just moved into the area. She gave us her information, so we are going to go baptize her.
Well unfortunately, the time on this computer is running low. I love you all I hope you enjoyed hearing from me as much as I loved hearing from all of you. I love you all!

Elder William Lloyd Lovell
Washington, Seattle Mission
10675 NE 20th Street
Bellevue, Washington 98004
D&C 6:36 - "Look unto me in every thought; doubt not, fear not

September 17

Dear Family and Friends,
Thank you for the e-mails from Mom (plus last weeks that I didnt get until today!), Dad, Elizabeth and James, and Erik! Dad mentioned letters. I have not seen them and I am sorry to anyone else if you sent me a letter and I do not mention that I recieved it! ELIZABETH! YOU'RE HAVING THE FAMILY'S FIRST NEPHEW/GRANDSON!!!! YAY! Moroni is my vote for a name, or Alma. Or... William. Those ones are best. But then again whatever you choose is best. Esspecially if its one of those three. :) I also recieved a letter from Dallin Neilsen and Elder Alan Cox. Dallin is now in college in Texas A&M. Elder Cox was junior companion last transfer, but is now suddenly Senior/District Leader/Trainer. He mentioned that the Lord has a lot for him to Learn. (I'll include part of that in my spiritual thought today.)
We got a new counselor in the mission presidency this week. His name is President Akers. Apparently he has worked with many mission presidents and worked closely with the Quorum of the 12 apostles. That is pretty exciting for us. This last week, our mission put 100 people on date for baptism as challenged by president Larkin. Although Elder Fukuyasu did not add to that number, we were pretty excited because we worked really hard. Our ward mission aspect is getting better. The bishop is VERY supportive. I said to him yesterday in a meeting with him. "Our goal is to connect the dots the right way. We want Members to set up appointments for us, and to be excited and involved, rather than the dots being the opposite way where we are the ones calling, or even the ward mission leader." The bishop said "I know, that sounds like every missionary's dream! Have members doing missionary work." He always stands firmly behind us. He bends over backwards for us and it is wonderful. We have a fantastic ward.
I am going to speak at a baptism this weekend! Elder Fukuyasu and I are just as excited for this baptism as if it were a convert baptism. We've been visiting this inactive family for the last two transfers! The father had gradually become inactive, and therefore his wife and kids had too. The oldest child is quickly approaching the age of baptism. We worked with the father, taught lessons and built his faith. Finally, without any pressure from us, he went into the bishops office and asked for a recommend for the temple and permission to baptize his son! Bishop was so impressed that this man the ward had been working with so much, finally was committed to being active again. He has been to church dilligently since. And the son asked Elder Fukuyasu and I to speak at his baptism! I get to speak on baptism and Elder Fukuyasu gets to speak on the Holy Ghost. You can bet we'll have as many investigators there as possible! Hazzah!
Thats probably the most exciting thing that comes to mind this week. But I will keep picking my brain for anything else as I write.
Spiritual thought of the week:
As I was pondering a few days ago, I almost laughed to myself at some of the memories I had. Coming into the Seattle mission ready to really work. REALLY work, for what seemed to be the first time on my mission. Then we were hit with a bad infestation of bed bugs and were confined to the house. How frustrated I was. It was a very discouraging day in particular when I recieved a letter from Elder Cox in Brazil. I read his letter and quickly wrote back the frustration of everything that was going on (and many other good things). It was just last week that I recieved a response to that letter. He said "I know how you feel (or hopefully felt), my companion had kidney stones for the last three weeks of our last transfer which made it so that, unless we had two members (one to watch him and the other to go out with me), working was impossible." The next sentence kind of jumped out of the page at me: "It was a time of Reflection and Learning." There was nothing else mentioned but good things from that point on.
That phrase was still burned in my mind the next day during personal study, but rather forgotten as we left the appartment to go contact former investigators and tract. Door after door was slammed in my face, and it all culminated with one man, who at first seemed interested in hearing us out, but I quickly learned his desire was to simply argue. He told us there was no reason to call us "Elders," because we were not without reproof. He then asked me why I was there. "Are you here to redeem my soul from hell?" "No." I said, "We are here to share a message that will allow you to act and bring an added measure of happiness in your life." He looked taken back. "Really?" He asked. "Do you know what the difference between joy and happiness is?" He continued. "Joy is forever, Happiness is fleeting. What you have said sounds very fleeting. I don't feel like you are concerned with my soul at all. You only want me to be happy for a moment." I stood silent for a moment wondering "Who says that?" I got a little annoyed as he continued talking "You two should not be Elders. By the way, Im probably voting for Romney, you have a great day." I said to him as he stood up to walk away "You know. Next time missionaries knock on your door, there is really no need to argue. You can simply say 'I am not interested.' We prefer honesty." He then responded simply "I am not arguing." My companion jumped in before more could go wrong and said "Sir, you are right. We are bringing joy. We intend to make people's lives happier for much longer than just a moment. Thank you for sharing that with us, we will improve on our initial approach to people." The man simply responded to that with more criticisms about us, our positions, and the Book of Mormon. My companion and I left and sat in the car. I was so annoyed. "He's right," said my companion, "we will work on that." I was so impressed. Elder Fukuyasu sincerely learned to take something he learned from trials, even from someone who wanted nothing more than to argue. The phrase "It was a time of Reflection and Learning" rang in my mind again.
While I thought about that during lunch, I realized, first hand, why the Lord sends missionaries where they are. Its not just to simply and easily "flock them to the font" as Jeffrey Holland says, but also for us to grow spiritually. Sometimes we really diserve ourselves. We notice disapointments and harmful actions that come from others and savor the day when "all our loses will be made up if we are faithful." (Joseph Smith Movie) And we don't realize that the Lord intends to teach us in this state of probation. Trials happen for a reason. "And ye are to be taught from on high. Sanctify yourselves and ye shall be endowed with power, that ye may give even as I have spoken." - D&C 43:16. Sometimes our most important times of teaching from our Heavenly Father are those trying times. Times where we are required to stretch and grow. Instead of leaning to the habit of recieving compensation or restitution, we can look at the blessing of gratitude and instruction. Rejoicing in our trials probably helps the Lord know that we are ready to be "taught from on high."
I'm sure some people wondered what good came from Joseph Smith being in prison during the D&C 121-122 chapters. But it is important to note the blessings Joseph realized. Not only did we recieve two D&C chapters that, in my opinion, are two of the best chapters for dealing positively with trials, but here is what Joseph Smith said about that horrific experience. "Our suffering had not been in vain. Our hearts were made more tender." Wow. I love that. Learning is like fath. In fact probably an act of faith. Like faith, learning is a choice. We can choose to wait for the day that we will have no problems, or we can work through our problems and recieve the strength that everything can truly be made up. I am grateful for that blessing, and I leave that with you all in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen,

Elder William Lloyd Lovell
Washington, Seattle Mission
10675 NE 20th Street
Bellevue, Washington 98004
D&C 6:36 - "Look unto me in every thought; doubt not, fear not"

Monday, September 10, 2012

Sept 4, week of miracles

Meu familia amada,
To start off, thank you for the e-mails sent this past week! They were wonderful! Elizabeth and james! Thank you for the beautiful pictures of olivia and chloe! Mom and Dad, thank you for your loving e-mails! They are fatastic. I love you all.
This week yeilded a plethura of miracles. Three weeks ago had been rough, little success, yet being as obedient as we could. To get into the miracles from this week, let me tell you about an experience three weeks ago. We were really discouraged, no one had been answering their doors. We're getting miracle texts and blasts from all over the mission, and we were sending as many miracles as our prideful eyes could see, but them seemed a far cry from those we were listening to from the rest of the mission. We decided to check on a former. A man who we felt would never change, he never kept commitments, he never did anything we asked him to. But he truely understood the need for repentence and that his life was not in harmony with Jesus Christ. But we went back none the less. So we knocked on his door, his neice answered and said she would get him, but never came back. We left. Walked down the street a little ways and saw a samoan lady. We spoke to her. She showed little interest but agreed to let us come over if we weren't too preachy. Well fast forward three weeks. Here we are - fearing that we would exceed our allotted mileage we parked our car and went about on foot. We decided to drop the samoan lady's house. She was home, she answered, she let us in! We taught the restoration! Cleared up a bunch of misunderstanding! And being a somoan family we recieved 8 new investigators from that. They were ASKING for a somoan Book of Mormon at the end. Beautiful! Of course we can get those to them!
Next, we walk again to another appointment that falls through, We start walking back home for lunch and see this woman sitting on her front porch, we greet her and she says "I already have my own church!" So we share a message anyway. She listens for a little then her husband comes out. We say a prayer to start a lesson off with them. We explain the restoration and they are totally loving it. When we finish the lady who had formally said "We already have a church," stated "do you have an extra copy of that book?" Hmmmm... I think we can manage to get you one. The husband wanted one too. He believed we were a sign sent to him because he was looking for a faith. They committed to read and pray together, and the lady prayed right there with us! Yay! We're coming back this week!
Oh but thats not all! A member brought an investigator to church! We're teaching her! She almost backed out before the first lesson because she read a book that said Mormonism is a cult and it scared her, but we resolved her concerns and made sure to explain that Joseph Smith did not find the plates through being a gold digger. She committed to read the Book of Mormon and pray to know if its true.
Oh but it doesnt end there. We are in a meeting with bishop last Sunday and as we are talking we get a knock on the door. This girl from American Samoa enters and starts speaking to bishop. She explains she moved here with her brother for schooling. Her brother is inactive. She does not want to fall into that as well. She gives bishop her address and requests her records from American Samoa. As bishop is writing her information down we begin asking her questions. We find out, her brother is married. His wife is a nonmember but EXTREMELY interested in the church. We will meet with her this week! Yay!
Oh but it doesnt end there! I felt the spirit super strong at the most random time the other day! It was a good reminder after some trialsome weeks that God loves me. That was a wonderful miracle to feel the spirit that strong. I felt president Faust when he explains "I've felt the fleeting feeling of being foresaken, and the sweet agony in my present calling, but I have been reinforced one hundred fold in the arms of my savior. I feel like I have struggled up a spiritual mount Siani and been transformed at its peak." (That is not exactly quoted, but you can watch Special Witnesses of Christ and hear what he has to say.)
Dearest Family, I love you. You are in my prayers and I feel yours for me. I love you all!
Elder William Lloyd Lovell
Washington, Seattle Mission
10675 NE 20th Street
Bellevue, Washington 98004
D&C 6:36 - "Look unto me in every thought; doubt not, fear not

August 28

If you were wondering why it took so long to get an email out today, its because Elder Lovell was attending the temple! Our zone's day to attend was today, and yesterday's P-day was switched to today because of that. Other than that, some announcements are: Thanks to mom, dad, and elizabeth for e-mails, as well as my trainer, Elder Sparks, Who sent a little note to remind me this is his last transfer. Thanks to mom and dad for the mail I recieved yesterday! Those were truely wonderful, and I loved hearing from all of you. I also recieved a card from the Wylie family! That was pretty cool! Loved hearing from them!
Well, I'm guessing next monday will be another weird P-day because its transfer day. I do not know if I am getting transfered, although I have petitioned the Lord and President Larkin several times to stay here for my whole mission. I have a gut feeling I will get transfered though. We will see what happens.
This week, we put a man named Rob on date for baptism. Unfortunately he hasn't answered the door since. But we have faith he will come along. About three doors down from him, A grandmother answered who's husband had been in the church before he died, and she was very against the church and didn't want anything to do with the Book of Mormon... but she did appreciate us inviting her grandson to young men's night and consented. So we brought the Young Men's president over two days ago and taught a lesson to him and he is probably coming to Young Men's tommorrow evening.
I also taught Gospel Essentials with some pretty short notice. Hopefully I did okay. There was some pretty good discussion. It was about the fall of Adam and Eve and a great discussion stirred to talk about the difference between transgression and sin. It helped me understand some things I have never thought of before.
Ok, Gospel matter for today: That self same grandmother mentioned earlier told me that Joseph Smith denied everything he had done a couple years before he died, but then picked everything back up again. For this I am grateful that my e-mails are posted and available online to the world. I would like to take some time and bear my testimony of the Prophet Joseph Smith. As I sat in the temple today, I asked for an added witness of Joseph Smith's divine calling as prophet of the restoration. As mentioned before my companion and I have faced several criticisms this week about the Prophet Joseph Smith. Persecutions raise more here in Seattle than anywhere else I have been. After my prayer in the temple, I looked around for a book of mormon, however, there was only a Bible available. I simply let the book fall open on my lap, and my eyes jumped to the verse in Matthew "Blessed are they that are persecuted for my name's sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven." I testify of my ever quiet witness today, my pondering awe, and admiration to such a faithful servant of the Lord, Jesus Christ. A Prophetic witness of the Lord has ever been identified by the claim to priesthood power, service to other, wonderful fruits of labor, and, possibly most noticeable, persecution. I testify that Joseph Smith served his Master, Jesus Christ. I testify that he translated the Book of Mormon. I love the words of Elder Holland "He was, and still is faithful." I love my Savior. I am in awe at how he qualifies his otherwise weak servants for mighty tasks. I hope to be as his servants, both ancient and moderen, whose focus was and is on their Savior, who "when [their] body begs for rest, they remember this rallying cry: 'Remember Him!'" (President Eyring) I know Jesus Christ is my Savior. I am with sure with the most assurety I can muster in my soul that this is his restored Gospel, and these things I write in His name, even Jesus Christ, Amen.

Elder William Lloyd Lovell
Washington, Seattle Mission
10675 NE 20th Street
Bellevue, Washington 98004
D&C 6:36 - "Look unto me in every thought; doubt not, fear not"

August 20

Dear Family,
To start off, I would like to say that this week was pretty crazy so I will try to remember who sent me mail this week and I'll also mention the emails that were sent! Mom, I did get the three packages over the last few weeks. Thank you. They have been exterhemeleay helpful. Dad, thank you also for the medicine and the note inside as well as one from Mom. Thank you Dad, Mom, and Erik, for shooting me some emails today. And thank you to Jonathan DeGraff and the Winwards for sending some post this past week. If I missed someone, let me know.
Oh boy. This week was so destroyed. We had all of our investigators, except two, fall off date. But we didn't get discouraged. We just knew summer was in and they left for vacation. We then redoubled our efforts to find, and ran into the most anti people throughout the week. Then Elder Fukuyasu got sick, then to be funny, he coughed on me, which I didn't think was funny because then I got sick, but I got better faster because I took some allergy medication the moment I could feel the symptoms coming on. He is still kind of sick. Ha. We still got more and more obedient and more obedient, and more obedient, and.... nothing happened. In fact, we found out why one of our investigators didn't want to learn anymore! Its because a less active from our ward was giving him dirty things, and encouraging him to look at pornographic magazines! We were so... Frustrated at that less active because we had just been in his house not even a week before, and he expressed desires to meet with the bishop. But this wasn't all for nothing... We had a bad week... But then! Our testimonies skyrocketed this morning. We had a great companionship study. My goodness it was wonderful. We had answers to our questions from our prayers and felt the Holy Ghost.
I have grown to love my ward so much. Wow. They are the best. Our bishop, I dont know if I told all of you this or not, served in Porto Alegre, Sul. Yes, the same exact mission that I was called to! I bronght him a can of Guanana and he loved it. It was the exact kind they have in Brazil. Bishop Dickson is so missionary minded. He is brand new, but he is learning, and he is excellent. He has a goal with the youth to get them outside more, holding more outdoor activities, and getting them involved with us in missionary work. Here in this climate, the sky is cloudy a lot. So often times, very few people are out on the streets. But the bishop sees that there are many things to do besides being inside and playing video games all the time. In fact, in Seattle, (as well as everywhere in the world, but in Seattle in particular) there are so many kids with addictions to video games. Ogh. How I have learned, and even been rebuked by the spirit in the amount of video games I played when I was at home. gross. As a missionary who hopes to speak to anyone, but members in particular today who may have an addiction to video, or computer games, television watching, or any other form of addictive media, let me talk about how this affects you in a spiritual way that is often not touched on.
The Sacrament, is indeed the reason we attend church. It is in essence an ordinance that is "laced throughout our lives" to help us come closer to the Savior and find something to change within the week. The Sacrament is probably one of, if not the most, significant ways we can endure to the end. You have heard it said by prophets both modern and ancient, that enduring to the end is not simply waiting around until the day you lose your testimony, but a way to "step strive, and never yeild." The repentance process, the perfecting process, is never complete in three hours on one day. Instead, it is very much a weekly process. How is it, that someone addicted to flashing lights of virtual muzzles and flying cuttlas can ever be as focused as they need to be to repent fully of their sins during the week.
How I wish that I had listened to my parents on this matter. I pray today that all people, young and old, male and female, who have become addicted to to what seems to be "harmless" media, will heed the counsel of a loving parent and not see it as prideful animadversion. But come to see these distractions as the viperous vainglory they really are. Realize how much time you waste on them. ESSPECIALLY, if you are preparing for a mission. I bear you my witness that the spirit will be more full in your life. You will have more answers to your prayers and direction that will help you. You will come to realize that "the best things in life are not things." And ultimately, the absence of video games, replaced with a fultime preparation for a fultime mission, will bring you closer to your Savior.
I leave that with all of you who read this, and hope it will reach someone that needs to understand this. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

Elder William Lloyd Lovell
Washington, Seattle Mission
10675 NE 20th Street
Bellevue, Washington 98004
D&C 6:36 - "Look unto me in every thought; doubt not, fear not"

August 13

Mom told me that Jeremy had sent some letters. I have not recieved them yet, I am sorry for not recognizing you Jeremy, but THANK YOU FOR SENDING THEM AND HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Expect something in the mail this week. Thank you also to Ryan, Rachel, Mom, and Dad, who also sent letters! I thank you all also for the gifts that came in the packaging this past week. Also thank you this morning from the pictures and video from Elizabeth, Thanks for the emails from mom and dad. You are all the best!
Unfortunately, Jacobs baptism did not go through. His mom felt he needed a little more time. Oh well, no one can argue with that. The parents do recieve more revelation for their kids that we do.
But we did find yet another miracle this week. We had plans to visit a Former Investigator. We came to the door of this apparentment complex and knocked. A girl in her early 20's answered. "Oh..." We said, "is Joseph here?" She explained nobody by that name lived there anymore. She further explained that she was Catholic. (Those types of situations tend to make us want to hang our heads.) But we just began explaining about the Book of Mormon. We showed her the pictures in the front, spoke about Joseph Smith, how the Gospel path and preisthood are now restored, and she listened intently and answered our questions. She expkained to us that she was pregnant and had moved out of her parents house and is now living with her boyfriend. We talked with her a little more about that, and then showed her the promise in the front of the Book of Mormon and asked if she would say a standing prayer with us, to know if it was true. SHE DID! Wow, it was beautiful! In the prayer she said "Thank you for answering my prayers in knowing what route I should take in religion by sending these two men here today." Then we set her on date for September 15, and she is scheduled to meet us for a church tour this week! Woo hoo!
Plus there is a family really close to where we live who speak spanish. At first we just taught the daughter, now we are teaching the mom, the dad would have nothing to do with it until we brought our friend Danillo who spoke fluent spanish, and now the dad is the most-likely to be baptized in the whole home! That was exciting! Plus their friend also comes to meet with us. And now the Dad is trying to get that friend to come with him to church.
All my love,
Elder William Lloyd Lovell
Washington, Seattle Mission
10675 NE 20th Street
Bellevue, Washington 98004
D&C 6:36 - "Look unto me in every thought; doubt not, fear not"

August 6

Dear Family,
This week was a tough one. My companion and I fasted. He is still somewhat discouraged because of some things that happened a couple weeks ago, and to make a long story short, I am just stressed. But what can you do. Thats life. We all have our spiritual mount Si's to climb and so here we are climbing it together. All of our on dates fell off dates except for 2, and that also kind of made us scratch our heads in frustration.
This passed thursday we fasted for a miracle who could be baptized. We came accross our new found friend Jacob. He is an unbaptized child of record. His parents had divorced and made him live by a contract that he could not go to, or investigate, the religion of another parent while at that parents house. The contact lifted when he turned thirteen. As faith, guidance, and hope would have it, he turned thirteen about a month ago. We contacted him out, taught him a lesson, and he wanted to be baptized. He is getting baptized this weekend. Fortunately as well, it brought his less active mother back to church.
Then, right after that, we went accross the street to a couple of men sitting at their porch. We spoke to one who told us "Im a hard man to convert. Dont waste your time." We spoke to him for about an hour, answering question, after question he had. He asked us how we knew Thomas S. Monson is a prophet. :I said "The bible gives a great suggestion. It tells you to look at the results of their labors or 'by their fruits ye shall know them.'" He sat there for a moment. "okay" he said "I'll look into your prophet, and do some research." We smiled. "We have a book for you. It will answer every question you have about us." We gave it to him, gladly. As he walked away he said "Im going to read this. And Im going to ask questions. You better be prepared." "bring it on." I said.
So that was fun. Other than that, we were doubting, but felt promted to visit a former investigator. We went to his home, knocked, and no answer came. but later we found another lady who said we could come back and teach her. We then felt we needed to go see a member. We doubted again. We thought maybe we just wanted to go so we could hang out. But it turned out that that member had four referals for us. That was awesome. I guess I just need to trust in promptings more.
Well I love you. Sorry some of you had to hear about a lot of the negative stuff this week. I love all of you.
Thank you for the gifts everyone! I got them today! That was awesome! New shirt, belt, gift card, tie (FROM ITALY!) Tie pins, lots of awesome socks... did I miss anything? Hope not.
I love all of you. Have a great and blessed week!

Elder William Lloyd Lovell
Washington, Seattle Mission
10675 NE 20th Street
Bellevue, Washington 98004
D&C 6:36 - "Look unto me in every thought; doubt not, fear not"

July 30, 2012

Dear family and friends,
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Thank you for the e-mails from Mom and Dad, the mail from Dad, and the e-mails (pictures and note) from Elizabeth. Thank you for taking the time out of being at the ranch to write me! Chloe is a little girl now! No longer a baby! And Olivia is growing so fast! Precious pictures! Thanks!
Whew, to be honest, I hardly remember this week. There was so much that went on. I cannot wait to get this three week planning program under control so that my mind can wrap around it and remember everything that has gone on. Journal writing has been difficult in this area as there is so much time spent on planning. But today I found the slot that I can make possible by writing in the mornings.
We had a great baptism yesterday evening with Kym! Wow it was beautiful. The handoff to the ward was perfect! Her new home teacher was there, she was baptized by the new young men's president who is really close to her son, the bishop conferred the holy ghost, and it was so very pretty. This woman has had so much trial in her life it is ridiculous. Obviously she will be a great woman in the church because Satan tried everything to keep her from being baptized. It has been really tough for her. But now, she will be recieving new member lessons and we will recommence teaching her son.
Unfortunately we had to drop an investigator this last week. He just was not keeping commitments even after we challenged him three times to pray, he would not. We just aren't completely sure where to go with people that refuse to pray. He is waiting for faith to force him to do something about his drinking and other problems, and that just will not happen. We were pretty foceful with him, and he simply refused to change. So now we just have to find those that are choosing to follow the promptings of the spirit and preparing themselves to be taught by missionaries.
We finally got in contact with an investigator that just seemed to have climbed right out of the teaching pool. Kathleen so wants to get baptized, her mother wants her to as well, but the father is pretty antimormon. It has been sad working to get them baptized, but the Lord defiitely has the power to deliver them. That seems to be the most common problem now days. Oppressive parents. It is kind of a testimony to me that these young children who are coming into the world are truely the noble and great ones. They understand the Gospel and latch on to it, but their parents for some reason have a fear of what they are getting into. We have three people in our teaching pool who fit this category.
I have a question for you all. There is a great promise in the missionary handbook that reads: "Refined, dignified language will CLEARLY identify you as a servant of the Lord." Now, those of you who know me, know my Euphemisms. I use a lot of slang and am really trying overcome that. The white handbook reads futher: "Avoid slang and inappropriately casual language, even in your appartment with your companion or in letters to your family." How I would love to overcome this so that my language could be "that which is good to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace unto the hearers." (Ephesians 4:29) Will all of you help me to conquer this habbit? I could use all the advice I could get in this area. I feel like the next two things I must sacrifice in my life are these: cracking my joints, and using slang. I will need help and will thank you for it.
I have thought a lot this week about member missionary work. It seems like many members in the wards I have been to have taken a very popular strategy: waiting. "Well, I don't know my neighbors, we'll have to wait and see if something happens," "No I haven't spoken with John at work yet, I'm just waiting for the right moment." and my own personal favorite "We don't know our neighbors." How sad is that? It is truely the epitomy of pitiful to see a member so focused inward that they do not have the time of day to minister to their neighbor. Isn't that a commandment? "Love thy neighbor as thyself?" Do we simply think that the only way to keep that commandment is to passively smile to passersby? This is Christ's true church, and these are the last days of the fulness of times. You may lose friends, and hopefully you do. "Blessed are they who are persecuted for my names sake..." The gospel is not a popular subject in a day of tide-turning politics and ear-shattering news. Of course this work isn't easy. I'm glad it isn't. For those friends I have lost trying to share the gospel with, I am proud. Do I miss them? Yes! Am I sad they are not my friends, yes! But I can stand tall knowing that I planted a seed and that I was not their only chance! I love those with who I shared the gospel, whether they accepted or not. I did my part. I know I can stand tall, even if they aren't my friends, because I stand tall with my best friend of all, my Savior Jesus Christ. I love Him, I adore Him. How I hope I never spend a day any other way than becoming more like Him. I leave that excerpt in the name of Jesus Christ, my Savior and friend, Amen

Elder William Lloyd Lovell
Washington, Seattle Mission
10675 NE 20th Street
Bellevue, Washington 98004
D&C 6:36 - "Look unto me in every thought; doubt not, fear not"

Bishop change

Dear Family and Friends,
Some announcements for ya'll! Recieved all the letters that had piled up because they were still getting sent to the Zone Leaders house and the zone leaders kept forgetting to deliver them to me, (which I didn't know they were getting sent there and apparently my MSF card was sent there and since I didn't know, I called the office and they cancelled the card so now I have to wait ANOTHER week for MSF. Goodness.) So thank you mom and dad plus two for those letters, the awesomely patriotic package, thank you Ryan for your letter, and thank you Dallin for yours (Thanks Levi for your E-mail, hope you read this so you know I cannot respond to you except through Post Mail.)
We had a change of bishop in our ward this week... He moved out of the ward! It was pretty crazy. The new one is Brother Dixon. He is pretty awesome. We probably didn't help the stress at all because the first thing we addressed him with was that our investigator Kymberli was being evicted and needed some financial assistance because she IS working in Deseret Industries and has already surpassed requirements for financial aid. Poor lady. She is awesome. She is so trusting in God, but it is still extremely extremely tough for her.
We are teaching a fantastic family! The Halleys. Sister Halley is a long time convert who served a mission, but has become less active. Brother Halley works for world vision and they don't really like the church and so he has adjusted his view a little bit to coincide with theirs. Sister Halley was so excited to see us and has started attending church again with her beautiful and intelligent daughter, Kathleen. Oh I already told you about that family! well we taught them again this week! They are awesome! Kathleen is fantastic and she understood all of the First half of the plan of salvation that we taught her. She is super intelligent.
Aside from that we met a kid named mitch while we were tracting and he was looking for truth. He was studying science, went to church, and a bunch of other facets to find the truth. But he opened the door to us and heard us out and took the book of mormon very gratefully and promised he would read and pray about it and if he got an answer of its truthfulness, he would call us and ask us more questions and likely recieve baptism.
Well here is something I have thought about for this week. Elder Holland is a genious in understanding the atonement and the personality and commandments of the Savior. He adresses the concerns and several mission presidents and Missionaries world wide who he says will have many occasion to ask: "Why is it so hard?" "It is true..." he said "we believe in angels... the holy spirit... why aren't people simply flocking to the font?" He had a personal opinion to offer. He said it was not doctrine per se. But his thought of the troubles one faces on a mission is because "Salvation is not a cheap experience!" It was paid by the best blood of the world and it wasn't easier for its donner. With the words of president Holland, perhaps this will work as an admonition to aspiring missionaries. "Mark my words," says Holland, "for those who promise to take upon the name of Christ, it means you will have to walk something of the path he walked, to experience something of the journey he experienced, to shed some of the tears he shed. To pay a token, only a token, of what he paid. I am not saying we will suffer anything close to what He suffered, that would be presumtuous and frankly sacriligious... Why would we wonder, why would we think, that it would be easy? Someone much earlier... someone much better, asked the same thing." I testify, that these words are true. Missionaries in the feild and returned from it can probably testify of it too. I hope and pray that all those who desire to someday embark in the service of God, will do all they can to prepare themselves for the challenges they will face. Read the Book of Mormon every day. And I say that in the Name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

Elder William Lloyd Lovell
Washington, Seattle Mission
10675 NE 20th Street
Bellevue, Washington 98004
D&C 6:36 - "Look unto me in every thought; doubt not, fear not"

July 24, No transfer

BREAKING NEWS! Welcome to the first transfer in which Elder Lovell has NOT been transferred! Hazzah! He lives another day in Dash Point with his Beloved Companion: Elder Fukuyasu! (For your information, Transfer days are on mondays. So every 6 weeks, P-days will be held on Tuesdays.) In other news: Shout out of thanks to the following: Momma and Pappa for their letters and e-mails this week! Some of their questions may be answered in this e-mail. Elizabeth and James Valentine for their many pictures of the ever-growing Olivia, to Elder Thomas Samuel Sparks for reaching out from his new mission as AP in Reno, and to Elder Porter Clark Hanna, his family, and the Nevada, Las Vegas Mission for making sure his letter of about 5 months ago, from Brazil, arrived here in Seattle this week.
And now for news in the Area. (Some names may be changed to protect the righteous) Our investigator, Kim, was supposed to be baptized this week. Unfortunately, the day before she was admitted to the hospital for a severe asthma attack. Her son also did many things to cause adverse situations in her life. Ya gotta love him. Unfortunately her baptism has been postponed until this next weekend. In some ways that is good because perhaps her son could recieve the baptism ordinance that day too. Tonight we are going to go clean up some misunderstandings between the church and herself, and are excited to have that over with. She is still really awesome though. In fact, the day that she had the asthma attack, we took a whole bunch of sticky notes and posted a whole bunch of inside jokes all over her door. We recieved a text from her son that she was laughing and crying about those simultationsly when she recieved them.
We have recommenced teaching former investigator John. Wonderful 18 year old man, who is extremely smart and observant. He is extremely kind and listens intently. Unfortunately only thinks the law of chastity is simply a guideline and that no one will ever come close to being perfect at it because it is just too hard..... We will visit him tommorrow.
Other investigators and questions I may have for some of you may have to remain in more personal situations other than on the blog.
We met with much success this last week in our area, and also much trial. At the peak of our week, we had nine people on date for baptism. Five of those, have remained on date!!! Still great success!!! It has been revealed by revelation from our mission president that at least three people can be baptized in our area by the end of the month! (We think so too!) The Mission President is fantastic, and so far, everything he has ever promised me, either personally or to a missionary as a group, has ALWAYS happened.
I am so happy to hear that the family is enjoying themselves at the ranch. I enjoy all of your e-mails and your letters. There are some things I would like to send back home that I dont need anymore. I have a couple study scriptures in Portuguese that I am not so sure I will need anymore (considering I have more that one of the same book) they are just getting bulky to have. Also that fake Armani Belt that Elizabeth gave me and rachel fixed for me broke in the Provo, MTC. I have missed it grately. I found the belt buckle once again. Would it be worth me sending that home and asking that it be repaired? Or is there simply a similar belt that I could find that has the same characteristics? I have looked. No other belt that I have seen clicks like that. I dont want the belt that has holes in it to adjust its tightness. I would much more prefer the ratchet clicky thingy. Hope that makes sense. it does to me. What I could really really use for my birthday is a couple more long sleeve shirts. I used to only have 2. Now I have close to zero. The first one died when I leaned up against a wall of wet paint while talking to an investigator at her door. The second is almost dead and tearing just below the right armpit. I like the Vanhusen shirts that are long sleeve with the white stripes. Those are nice. WHAT I COULD ABSOLUTELY USE: AN SD Card connector for the computer. OR simply just a USB cable for my camera. I always love stamps, both international and nation-wide. It might be useful to get some envelopes with my adress already printed on them, or something. Ties are always nice. I like Geoffrey Bean. Yellow or blue or gray. A DICTIONARY! That would be awesome! Nothing big, please. Just a pocket, or Electric dictionary! Brown Socks? (I really like those subtle argyle style socks... haha?) If there's anything that comes to mind that is of great importance I will send it through the mail.
So this week, I have been studying in 2 Nephi! The ISAIAH Chapters! Ever since that meeting with Brother Fatheringham, Isaiah has simply opened up to me and I am excited to demystify more! Cool promise in the bible dictionary about Isaiah: If one reads the Book of Mormon, they will better understand the teachings of Isaiah, if they better understand that, they will understand the mission of the Savior.; Cool promise! Look it up in the BD last paragraph under Isaiah. Did you know that there are about 433 verses in Isaiah and about half of them are in the book of mormon? Only 200 of those are quoted with exactness? That means that there is so much more direct translation in the Book of Mormon of Isaiah! Woo! (Find that info in the footnotes under 2 Nephi Chapter 12.)
I also came across something in preach my gospel today that almost winded me. On page ONE, of preach my gospel. This chapter talks a lot about our purpose as a missionary. Our purpose is... yes, I know this already I have it memorized: "To Invite others to come unto Christ by helping them to recieve the restored Gospel, through faith in Jesus Christ and His atonement, Repentance, Baptism, Recieving the Gift of the Holy Ghost, and Enduring to the End." However, the last paragraph on page two kind of made me a little wide-eyed. "Your calling as a missionary is to represent Jesus Christ in helping them become clean." WOAH. What? Yes, thats totally what that purpose I recieted said, but wow, that last sentence is just BLUNT. I never thought of it that way. I think sometimes I just imagine myself declaring repentance to no avail, not realizing that I have to take a walk with my investigator and introduce him to Christ on that walk. Maybe I already knew that. But it just seemed that I now have more of an understanding of why I am here....
I am such an hungered right now. Wow,
Well that was the week in the life of Elder Lovell. I hope every single one of you who read this know of how much I love you. How grateful I am to all of you for the support and prayers you render to me. You are all so wonderful. My hope is that some little strand of testimony can help each of you in my letters, or even, a friend or someone who has never met me before. I want you all to know of my love for Jesus Christ. I stand proudly next to Him, and I declare His gospel. May I assure you that the time I have taken to be away from you all, the money that you have sacrifice for me, and the prayers you offer in my behalf are all be spent in the best ways that I know how. I am not perfect. When I make mistakes, or am lazy, I repent. I am here because of all of you and I am here for my Savior. I love you all, I pray for you all. I know Christ lives. His is my friend. He is my teacher, my master, and my captain. I account this in His name, even Jesus Christ, amen.

Elder William Lloyd Lovell
Washington, Seattle Mission
10675 NE 20th Street
Bellevue, Washington 98004
D&C 6:36 - "Look unto me in every thought; doubt not, fear not"

July 16, Beautiful P Day

Dear Family and Friends,
Announcements: Today is a beautiful preparation day in the Washington, Seattle Mission. The sun is out following a rather cold, cloudy, bone-chilling day (I like those too though, they are different.) I recieved three e-mails from mom! I got dad's letter this week, and his note in e-mail!, I got the several pictures of Olivia from Elizabeth (Olivia is getting quite the personality in that cute little face!) I also recieved the Guanana!!!!!!!!!!!!! HAHA! YES! Oh man, that brings tears to my eyes! Thanks for the "Brazilian Soda" Mom and Dad, Thanks for everyone's support and love throughout this week!
This week was zone conference! That was a blast! It changed my mission forever! The mission is now going to use 21-day rollout planning. My companion and I are still trying to get a hang on it. Elder Nelson (The apostle) came to this mission a couple months ago and introduced this type of planning. He said that if, in our nightly planning, we planned for planned for the next week (I.E. if you are planning for the next day, being a tuesday, you plan for the following tuesday as well) Baptisms WILL increase. He then said, if you plan for three weeks out, BAPTISMS WILL DOUBLE!!! So this is the new vision in the Washington Seattle Mission, How excitied I am!
There was a huge focus on Humility at this last conference. If anyone needs to be more humble, it is me. I loved it. it helped me so much. President Larkin made us all turn to the hymn, "Be Thou Humble." What an interesting first verse. "Be thou humble in thy WEAKNESS, and the Lord thy God shall lead thee, shall lead the by the hand and give thee answer to thy prayers." Be thou humble in thy weakness? I thought God "[gave] man weaknesses that they may be humble." (Well ya gotta read the rest of the scripture) "...And my grace is sufficient for all men that humble themselves before me that I may make weak things become strong unto them." It is my new desire and goal to be humble in my MANY weaknesses, that I may recieve answers to my prayers and be lead by the Hand of the Lord. I can see the reason for humility in weakness. I have noticed in my life, that sometimes I have felt like I am not doing enough to overcome my weakness. What a dumb thought... I will never overcome my weakness. God will. My job is to be humble so he can SHOW me how to do it. I wonder how many more times I am going to need to learn that lesson.
This leads me to talk about the witness I have recieved this week of the power of humility. This week we put 3 more people on date for baptism. Giving us a total of 7 people on date for baptism! We have 8 total investigators, 5 of them coming to church! Hazzah for Israel! I testify that God is a God of miracles. This week was impossible to do that, but God did it. Somehow, we will meet our district goal for this month of 9 total baptisms and rejoice in the Arm of God.
Unfortunately... President Larkin reached his 2 year mark last week. Which means, my departing interview will not be with him. I love him, perhaps the only man that could give him a run for his charity is my own Dad. (I sincerely mean that dad.) I will definitely miss him. He seems like someone that actually weeps and rejoices with his missionaries and he is so deeply involved with all of our personal missions. I hope I don't judge my next mission president to too high of a standard.
As I close this letter, I would like to add to my testimony of last week. There was a very important part I forgot to add of what president Holland said. I believe it may even be paramount. As he mentioned "The token that has to be paid" He also talked about how each missionary is standing "Shoulder to shoulder with the Savior." As we stand with the savior, he said we have "every reason to stand tall." The Savior is our captain. Fortunately He went forefront into the battle. I love my Savior. I love him with all my heart. I hope something of what I say will help others love him more as well. There are many people on this earth whom I love so dear. To them I am determined to prove faithful. I write this things, in the name of my Savior, my captian, my light and life, even Jesus Christ, Amen.

Elder William Lloyd Lovell
Washington, Seattle Mission
10675 NE 20th Street
Bellevue, Washington 98004
D&C 6:36 - "Look unto me in every thought; doubt not, fear not"

July 15, week in review

Mom told me that Jeremy had sent some letters. I have not recieved them yet, I am sorry for not recognizing you Jeremy, but THANK YOU FOR SENDING THEM AND HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Expect something in the mail this week. Thank you also to Ryan, Rachel, Mom, and Dad, who also sent letters! I thank you all also for the gifts that came in the packaging this past week. Also thank you this morning from the pictures and video from Elizabeth, Thanks for the emails from mom and dad. You are all the best!
Unfortunately, Jacobs baptism did not go through. His mom felt he needed a little more time. Oh well, no one can argue with that. The parents do recieve more revelation for their kids that we do.
But we did find yet another miracle this week. We had plans to visit a Former Investigator. We came to the door of this apparentment complex and knocked. A girl in her early 20's answered. "Oh..." We said, "is Joseph here?" She explained nobody by that name lived there anymore. She further explained that she was Catholic. (Those types of situations tend to make us want to hang our heads.) But we just began explaining about the Book of Mormon. We showed her the pictures in the front, spoke about Joseph Smith, how the Gospel path and preisthood are now restored, and she listened intently and answered our questions. She expkained to us that she was pregnant and had moved out of her parents house and is now living with her boyfriend. We talked with her a little more about that, and then showed her the promise in the front of the Book of Mormon and asked if she would say a standing prayer with us, to know if it was true. SHE DID! Wow, it was beautiful! In the prayer she said "Thank you for answering my prayers in knowing what route I should take in religion by sending these two men here today." Then we set her on date for September 15, and she is scheduled to meet us for a church tour this week! Woo hoo!
Plus there is a family really close to where we live who speak spanish. At first we just taught the daughter, now we are teaching the mom, the dad would have nothing to do with it until we brought our friend Danillo who spoke fluent spanish, and now the dad is the most-likely to be baptized in the whole home! That was exciting! Plus their friend also comes to meet with us. And now the Dad is trying to get that friend to come with him to church.
Anyway, I have to get going to an appointment with the psychiatrist in Seattle! Will talk to you all next week!
All my love,
Elder William Lloyd Lovell
Washington, Seattle Mission
10675 NE 20th Street
Bellevue, Washington 98004
D&C 6:36 - "Look unto me in every thought; doubt not, fear not"

July 8, 2012

Dear Family,
Gotta make this quick, I have about 20 minutes before I need to write president. Gotta get my awesome typing skills in gear!!!!
Annoucnements! Shout out to Mom, Dad, Elizabeth, and Erik for the Awesome e-mails! (P.S. I did not get any mail yet. I seem to remember someone telling me they sent me some stuff. But I dont think that gets here for a total of at least 6 days because the office takes a while to forward the mail to the home the missionary is living in.)
Ok, well this week was pretty tough. Oh my goodness. Bed bugs? Are you kidding me? Satan was just laughing as we had to interrupt a whole days work to effectively clean out our room and call in an exterminator. My goodness. Not fun. Although, it did cause me to organize my mail that I have recieved into a nice neat binder where everything is hole punched. How I enjoyed reading that mail this week.
My companion and I witnessed many a miracle this week! We're teaching a lady, kymberli, and her son Paris. Kymberli is a coffee addict, and has been set on date for baptism on July 21st. That means no coffee or anything close for three weeks!!! So we gave her a priesthood blessing, and she allowed us to take all of her coffee packets and throwthem into the TRASH! Oh gosh! That felt so good. Unfortunately she couldnt make it to church last week because she had a bad athsma attack and went to the hospital. But we are still praying for her!
We also had a part member family open their door to us for the first time!!!! They are the Haleys. All of them except their ten year old daughter, Kathleen (KK for short) are members. And this is because the Husband is a less-active that is worried about loosing his job from a company that hates the church. I think that has made him a little Anti, or just scared of loosing his job. Anyway, we started teaching the ten year old daughter with the mother (Who is so AWESOME and wants so much for her daughter to be baptized.) The Kimberly is so so SO smart and has the best testimony of ANY little girl! She knows the church is true. So we set her on date for july 21st! Her dad didn't like that, so when the mom and Kathleen told him about it, he got really upset and made them cancel our appointments with us and started telling Kathleen why she shouldn't be baptized. But Kathleen simply bore her testimony and confounded her father!!! I loved hearing that. So we'll see what happens with that. I think God put Kathleen in that family so she could reactivate everyone.
Today I finally felt like I started learning to loose myself in the work. That has been something I have struggled with. But finally as I studied this morning, I really felt like I thought about how I could really, truly fit the lesson into the investigator's life and really help them to feel the spirit and know they are loved. I guess stressful weeks really do yeild blessings in the long run! I hope it just keeps on growing. If anyone can offer suggestions as how to loose myself more in this work, send me an e-mail or letter! I love you all!
Your Missionary,

Elder William Lloyd Lovell
Washington, Seattle Mission
10675 NE 20th Street
Bellevue, Washington 98004
D&C 6:36 - "Look unto me in every thought; doubt not, fear not"

June 28 and first baptism

GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD Morning Lovell family, friends, neighbors, and pets! Give ear oh earth and hear the announcements for this week!
First off! Thanks to mom and dad for their awesome e-mails! I will hopefully answer all of your questions! Whew! Well, to start off, I am no longer with Elder Aiken and Elder Lindeman. I had to take the spot of another companionship in the same zone when a companion in a different zone had to be emergency transfered. So here I am in the Dash Point Area. Still in the Federal Way zone. We set a soul every day here in Federal Way, with the promise of President Larkin that if we are obedient, we will find one person every month who will be baptized. So far this is holding true. We have three set for this month. By the way, my companion, Elder Fukuyasu, (From Japan) and I have only been in this area collectively about 12 days, so its pretty well white washed and we are starting from scratch. But With this happeneing, I remember the thoughts of my trainer Elder Sparks "Good missionaries are gonna work no matter what. Great missionaries are gonna MAKE things work." So it was just a time to put on our boot straps and go to work!
(By the way, Hyrum, I got your e-mail. Although I do love ya, this mission wont let us e-mail friends. So anything you'll send to me will either have to be through another family member or through the mail. And by the way, I ABSOLUTELY LOVE LETTERS! Seriously. Letters are the greatest. Send me a letter will you? Great. I take that as a yes. Thanks for thinking about me!)
I had my first baptism last week! I had to submerge the kid three times! He had the longest name in the world! He didnt even know his own full name! No kidding! Unfortunately the picture of us both is on Elder Aiken's camera and he didn't bring the connecting cable for his camera so I'm going to have to e-mail it to you next week!
My goodness... I think there has only been one companionship my whole mission where I wasn't with a leader. I started in the MTC with Elder Hanna who was District leader, came back home, with the Zone Leaders in NLVM, then the one companionship that wasnt in leadership was Elder Smethurst, then I was with Elder Monsalvo - District leader, then I was here with two Zone Leaders, now Im with Elder Fukuyasu, District Leader. My goodness. The day I can go to a meeting without having to worry about being chosen to say the resetation or some other thing will be a miracle!
Goodness. This week has been a blur. In this mission - we are obedient even unto the sacrificing of our strength. I do not boast in myself or in my mission but I do boast in my God. My goodness, we run from 5-7 pm doing street contacts and tracting. We run home to be on time for planning and sleeping, and then we get up and strive to be exactly obedient to the Morning Schedule. Gosh. I think this all sounds really stuffy. But seriously, I am enjoying being obedient! Sometimes Elder Fukuyasu doesn't like being obedient because he just doesn't think some of the rules make sense, but I am absolutely loving getting better every day!
By the way, I need my driving record transfered from the Nevada, Las Vegas mission to this mission. I'm going to e-mail president Nieder about that today, but could someone back home also try and give him a call just in case. Since I'm with Elder Fukuyasu, I really need driving permission so that he can go on exchanges in other areas and what not. By the way, my companion is awesome, He is the funniest guy, and he is extremely humble. I'd say that is his greatest quality. He is so kind. We live with members and they are awesome. Elder Fukuyasu, however, has flees in his bed that are biting him and he is really chewed up. Thats pretty worrisome sometimes. I haven't gotten bit at all yet. (Im on the top bunk.) All though, when I was getting into the shower yesterday, a huge spider crawled off my leg... I was suprised at how much I didn't react. I just moaned a little and jumped back. I laughed at how tiredly I reacted. It was funny. Speaking of all these bugs. we were working at a member's house yesterday and there was this huge slug... GROSS! Biggest slug I have ever seen (Besides harry potter and the chamber of secrets movie) and she stepped on it! Yea, and I beheld that much water and grossness came forth insomuch that I was astonished BEYOND ALL MEASURE. (Thought you'd like that mom.)
Well, I need more time to write in my journal but thats about the only thing I am regretting right now, I feel like this is where I need to be. The Lord's going to reveal the reason one day at a time! Well I gotta go! I have 18 minutes to put in my key indicators and write president! I love you all! bye!

Elder William Lloyd Lovell
Washington, Seattle Mission
10675 NE 20th Street
Bellevue, Washington 98004

1st Epistle from Washington

Dear Family and Friends,
The first E-Epistle of Elder Lovell, taken from an account of his service among the people of Seattle:

1 And Behold I say unto the remnants of Nevada, Las Vegas, that I percieve that much confusion has come about concerning the way in which you should write me letters.
2 Behold, my heart does rejoice, because there is a way, and the way is plain, nevertheless to find the address to my mission does take dilligence, yea even a mustard seed of dilligence.
3 yea, and you must search the blogs which have been created, yea even by the hand of my brother, Erik Lovell, and find the recorded and unabridged account of my service.
4. And when you have come to this point, even unto the obtaining of my address, behold I say unto you, this is not all. Yea ye must fold the paper which you enscribed thereon and envelope it, even with an envelope. And then after ye have accomplished this thing, I would ask, rather your country, yea even the United States of America would ask, that you stamp it and enscribe the address you obtained by the reading of the blogs, or the account of my mission by the hand of my brother.
5. Therefore after ye have accomplished this thing and even sent the letter into the mail box, ye will find that I shall recieve it, and great shall be my joy and I shall write back to you, that mine and your joy may be one.
Wow... that took a while, I'm not doing that again I dont think.
This mission is awesome! whew! Beautiful area! Wonderful people! I walked into three baptisms set up for this week! I already love my companions. They are wonderful. Elder Aiken? and Elder Lindeman..? I believe that is their names. Anyway, they are magnificient. This mission is really obedient. I can already tell. They only are allowed to listen to hymns that are playable in a church meeting. They love the Lord, Sometimes I feel like some missionaries are a little over the top and just need to calm down about how awesomely obedient they are, but thats just me and I probably need to humble myself too. But yeah, I went to the mission home for lunch, we had a dinner and talked about all the baptisms everyone is having this weekend. Its apparently a regular occurance in this mission! This is the sixth baptism my companions have had this transfer! I just hope I dont ever get stuffy headed from how obedient people here strive to be. That would be awkward and annoying.
I love my president, He is great. He is a very sarcastic man, which is awesome. He is fantastic. His son plays saxophone. My goodness. That is exciting. His marching band marched in the Rose Bowl parade! So thats pretty exciting! I hope I get to play his saxophone a couple of times when I am in the area.
The mission is extremely small. We only have one ward per companionship which is great. My companions talk to EVERYONE about the gospel. Mind you, I have only been with them for 2 hours and I am like wide-eyed at how much work they are doing. It is wonderful. They are also sincere, I think, which is a plus. So, I am extremely glad to be here.
Well... I think the address I sent is right. Could someone try to look it up to make sure? I think some of the spelling might be wrong. But I am pretty certain it is correct. Anyway, I dont have long! I love you all! I only get an hour on these library computers so I will make sure I have this email send and end right now! You are the best! Write me! I cant wait to tell you all how my first week goes!
Elder William Lloyd Lovell
Washington, Seattle Mission
10675 North East Street
Bellevue, Washington 89004
D&C 6:36 - "Look unto me in every thought; doubt not, fear not"

New Address

Here is William's new address in Washington.

Elder William Lloyd Lovell
Washington, Seattle Mission
10675 North East Street
Bellevue, Washington 89004
D&C 6:36 - "Look unto me in every thought; doubt not, fear not"