Monday, September 10, 2012

1st Epistle from Washington

Dear Family and Friends,
The first E-Epistle of Elder Lovell, taken from an account of his service among the people of Seattle:

1 And Behold I say unto the remnants of Nevada, Las Vegas, that I percieve that much confusion has come about concerning the way in which you should write me letters.
2 Behold, my heart does rejoice, because there is a way, and the way is plain, nevertheless to find the address to my mission does take dilligence, yea even a mustard seed of dilligence.
3 yea, and you must search the blogs which have been created, yea even by the hand of my brother, Erik Lovell, and find the recorded and unabridged account of my service.
4. And when you have come to this point, even unto the obtaining of my address, behold I say unto you, this is not all. Yea ye must fold the paper which you enscribed thereon and envelope it, even with an envelope. And then after ye have accomplished this thing, I would ask, rather your country, yea even the United States of America would ask, that you stamp it and enscribe the address you obtained by the reading of the blogs, or the account of my mission by the hand of my brother.
5. Therefore after ye have accomplished this thing and even sent the letter into the mail box, ye will find that I shall recieve it, and great shall be my joy and I shall write back to you, that mine and your joy may be one.
Wow... that took a while, I'm not doing that again I dont think.
This mission is awesome! whew! Beautiful area! Wonderful people! I walked into three baptisms set up for this week! I already love my companions. They are wonderful. Elder Aiken? and Elder Lindeman..? I believe that is their names. Anyway, they are magnificient. This mission is really obedient. I can already tell. They only are allowed to listen to hymns that are playable in a church meeting. They love the Lord, Sometimes I feel like some missionaries are a little over the top and just need to calm down about how awesomely obedient they are, but thats just me and I probably need to humble myself too. But yeah, I went to the mission home for lunch, we had a dinner and talked about all the baptisms everyone is having this weekend. Its apparently a regular occurance in this mission! This is the sixth baptism my companions have had this transfer! I just hope I dont ever get stuffy headed from how obedient people here strive to be. That would be awkward and annoying.
I love my president, He is great. He is a very sarcastic man, which is awesome. He is fantastic. His son plays saxophone. My goodness. That is exciting. His marching band marched in the Rose Bowl parade! So thats pretty exciting! I hope I get to play his saxophone a couple of times when I am in the area.
The mission is extremely small. We only have one ward per companionship which is great. My companions talk to EVERYONE about the gospel. Mind you, I have only been with them for 2 hours and I am like wide-eyed at how much work they are doing. It is wonderful. They are also sincere, I think, which is a plus. So, I am extremely glad to be here.
Well... I think the address I sent is right. Could someone try to look it up to make sure? I think some of the spelling might be wrong. But I am pretty certain it is correct. Anyway, I dont have long! I love you all! I only get an hour on these library computers so I will make sure I have this email send and end right now! You are the best! Write me! I cant wait to tell you all how my first week goes!
Elder William Lloyd Lovell
Washington, Seattle Mission
10675 North East Street
Bellevue, Washington 89004
D&C 6:36 - "Look unto me in every thought; doubt not, fear not"

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