BREAKING NEWS! Welcome to the first transfer in which Elder Lovell has NOT been transferred! Hazzah! He lives another day in Dash Point with his Beloved Companion: Elder Fukuyasu! (For your information, Transfer days are on mondays. So every 6 weeks, P-days will be held on Tuesdays.) In other news: Shout out of thanks to the following: Momma and Pappa for their letters and e-mails this week! Some of their questions may be answered in this e-mail. Elizabeth and James Valentine for their many pictures of the ever-growing Olivia, to Elder Thomas Samuel Sparks for reaching out from his new mission as AP in Reno, and to Elder Porter Clark Hanna, his family, and the Nevada, Las Vegas Mission for making sure his letter of about 5 months ago, from Brazil, arrived here in Seattle this week.
And now for news in the Area. (Some names may be changed to protect the righteous) Our investigator, Kim, was supposed to be baptized this week. Unfortunately, the day before she was admitted to the hospital for a severe asthma attack. Her son also did many things to cause adverse situations in her life. Ya gotta love him. Unfortunately her baptism has been postponed until this next weekend. In some ways that is good because perhaps her son could recieve the baptism ordinance that day too. Tonight we are going to go clean up some misunderstandings between the church and herself, and are excited to have that over with. She is still really awesome though. In fact, the day that she had the asthma attack, we took a whole bunch of sticky notes and posted a whole bunch of inside jokes all over her door. We recieved a text from her son that she was laughing and crying about those simultationsly when she recieved them.
We have recommenced teaching former investigator John. Wonderful 18 year old man, who is extremely smart and observant. He is extremely kind and listens intently. Unfortunately only thinks the law of chastity is simply a guideline and that no one will ever come close to being perfect at it because it is just too hard..... We will visit him tommorrow.
Other investigators and questions I may have for some of you may have to remain in more personal situations other than on the blog.
We met with much success this last week in our area, and also much trial. At the peak of our week, we had nine people on date for baptism. Five of those, have remained on date!!! Still great success!!! It has been revealed by revelation from our mission president that at least three people can be baptized in our area by the end of the month! (We think so too!) The Mission President is fantastic, and so far, everything he has ever promised me, either personally or to a missionary as a group, has ALWAYS happened.
I am so happy to hear that the family is enjoying themselves at the ranch. I enjoy all of your e-mails and your letters. There are some things I would like to send back home that I dont need anymore. I have a couple study scriptures in Portuguese that I am not so sure I will need anymore (considering I have more that one of the same book) they are just getting bulky to have. Also that fake Armani Belt that Elizabeth gave me and rachel fixed for me broke in the Provo, MTC. I have missed it grately. I found the belt buckle once again. Would it be worth me sending that home and asking that it be repaired? Or is there simply a similar belt that I could find that has the same characteristics? I have looked. No other belt that I have seen clicks like that. I dont want the belt that has holes in it to adjust its tightness. I would much more prefer the ratchet clicky thingy. Hope that makes sense. it does to me. What I could really really use for my birthday is a couple more long sleeve shirts. I used to only have 2. Now I have close to zero. The first one died when I leaned up against a wall of wet paint while talking to an investigator at her door. The second is almost dead and tearing just below the right armpit. I like the Vanhusen shirts that are long sleeve with the white stripes. Those are nice. WHAT I COULD ABSOLUTELY USE: AN SD Card connector for the computer. OR simply just a USB cable for my camera. I always love stamps, both international and nation-wide. It might be useful to get some envelopes with my adress already printed on them, or something. Ties are always nice. I like Geoffrey Bean. Yellow or blue or gray. A DICTIONARY! That would be awesome! Nothing big, please. Just a pocket, or Electric dictionary! Brown Socks? (I really like those subtle argyle style socks... haha?) If there's anything that comes to mind that is of great importance I will send it through the mail.
So this week, I have been studying in 2 Nephi! The ISAIAH Chapters! Ever since that meeting with Brother Fatheringham, Isaiah has simply opened up to me and I am excited to demystify more! Cool promise in the bible dictionary about Isaiah: If one reads the Book of Mormon, they will better understand the teachings of Isaiah, if they better understand that, they will understand the mission of the Savior.; Cool promise! Look it up in the BD last paragraph under Isaiah. Did you know that there are about 433 verses in Isaiah and about half of them are in the book of mormon? Only 200 of those are quoted with exactness? That means that there is so much more direct translation in the Book of Mormon of Isaiah! Woo! (Find that info in the footnotes under 2 Nephi Chapter 12.)
I also came across something in preach my gospel today that almost winded me. On page ONE, of preach my gospel. This chapter talks a lot about our purpose as a missionary. Our purpose is... yes, I know this already I have it memorized: "To Invite others to come unto Christ by helping them to recieve the restored Gospel, through faith in Jesus Christ and His atonement, Repentance, Baptism, Recieving the Gift of the Holy Ghost, and Enduring to the End." However, the last paragraph on page two kind of made me a little wide-eyed. "Your calling as a missionary is to represent Jesus Christ in helping them become clean." WOAH. What? Yes, thats totally what that purpose I recieted said, but wow, that last sentence is just BLUNT. I never thought of it that way. I think sometimes I just imagine myself declaring repentance to no avail, not realizing that I have to take a walk with my investigator and introduce him to Christ on that walk. Maybe I already knew that. But it just seemed that I now have more of an understanding of why I am here....
I am such an hungered right now. Wow,
Well that was the week in the life of Elder Lovell. I hope every single one of you who read this know of how much I love you. How grateful I am to all of you for the support and prayers you render to me. You are all so wonderful. My hope is that some little strand of testimony can help each of you in my letters, or even, a friend or someone who has never met me before. I want you all to know of my love for Jesus Christ. I stand proudly next to Him, and I declare His gospel. May I assure you that the time I have taken to be away from you all, the money that you have sacrifice for me, and the prayers you offer in my behalf are all be spent in the best ways that I know how. I am not perfect. When I make mistakes, or am lazy, I repent. I am here because of all of you and I am here for my Savior. I love you all, I pray for you all. I know Christ lives. His is my friend. He is my teacher, my master, and my captain. I account this in His name, even Jesus Christ, amen.
Elder William Lloyd Lovell
Washington, Seattle Mission
10675 NE 20th Street
Bellevue, Washington 98004
Washington, Seattle Mission
10675 NE 20th Street
Bellevue, Washington 98004
D&C 6:36 - "Look unto me in every thought; doubt not, fear not"
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