Monday, September 10, 2012

Sept 4, week of miracles

Meu familia amada,
To start off, thank you for the e-mails sent this past week! They were wonderful! Elizabeth and james! Thank you for the beautiful pictures of olivia and chloe! Mom and Dad, thank you for your loving e-mails! They are fatastic. I love you all.
This week yeilded a plethura of miracles. Three weeks ago had been rough, little success, yet being as obedient as we could. To get into the miracles from this week, let me tell you about an experience three weeks ago. We were really discouraged, no one had been answering their doors. We're getting miracle texts and blasts from all over the mission, and we were sending as many miracles as our prideful eyes could see, but them seemed a far cry from those we were listening to from the rest of the mission. We decided to check on a former. A man who we felt would never change, he never kept commitments, he never did anything we asked him to. But he truely understood the need for repentence and that his life was not in harmony with Jesus Christ. But we went back none the less. So we knocked on his door, his neice answered and said she would get him, but never came back. We left. Walked down the street a little ways and saw a samoan lady. We spoke to her. She showed little interest but agreed to let us come over if we weren't too preachy. Well fast forward three weeks. Here we are - fearing that we would exceed our allotted mileage we parked our car and went about on foot. We decided to drop the samoan lady's house. She was home, she answered, she let us in! We taught the restoration! Cleared up a bunch of misunderstanding! And being a somoan family we recieved 8 new investigators from that. They were ASKING for a somoan Book of Mormon at the end. Beautiful! Of course we can get those to them!
Next, we walk again to another appointment that falls through, We start walking back home for lunch and see this woman sitting on her front porch, we greet her and she says "I already have my own church!" So we share a message anyway. She listens for a little then her husband comes out. We say a prayer to start a lesson off with them. We explain the restoration and they are totally loving it. When we finish the lady who had formally said "We already have a church," stated "do you have an extra copy of that book?" Hmmmm... I think we can manage to get you one. The husband wanted one too. He believed we were a sign sent to him because he was looking for a faith. They committed to read and pray together, and the lady prayed right there with us! Yay! We're coming back this week!
Oh but thats not all! A member brought an investigator to church! We're teaching her! She almost backed out before the first lesson because she read a book that said Mormonism is a cult and it scared her, but we resolved her concerns and made sure to explain that Joseph Smith did not find the plates through being a gold digger. She committed to read the Book of Mormon and pray to know if its true.
Oh but it doesnt end there. We are in a meeting with bishop last Sunday and as we are talking we get a knock on the door. This girl from American Samoa enters and starts speaking to bishop. She explains she moved here with her brother for schooling. Her brother is inactive. She does not want to fall into that as well. She gives bishop her address and requests her records from American Samoa. As bishop is writing her information down we begin asking her questions. We find out, her brother is married. His wife is a nonmember but EXTREMELY interested in the church. We will meet with her this week! Yay!
Oh but it doesnt end there! I felt the spirit super strong at the most random time the other day! It was a good reminder after some trialsome weeks that God loves me. That was a wonderful miracle to feel the spirit that strong. I felt president Faust when he explains "I've felt the fleeting feeling of being foresaken, and the sweet agony in my present calling, but I have been reinforced one hundred fold in the arms of my savior. I feel like I have struggled up a spiritual mount Siani and been transformed at its peak." (That is not exactly quoted, but you can watch Special Witnesses of Christ and hear what he has to say.)
Dearest Family, I love you. You are in my prayers and I feel yours for me. I love you all!
Elder William Lloyd Lovell
Washington, Seattle Mission
10675 NE 20th Street
Bellevue, Washington 98004
D&C 6:36 - "Look unto me in every thought; doubt not, fear not

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