Monday, March 11, 2013


Beloved Family,
I was deeply touched to hear so many great things happening back at home! I want to take the time to welcome my first nephew into this beautiful world! Welcome James Kreed Valentine! I love you so much! Congratulations Elizabeth and James, it has been fun to hear the growth of our entire family. I sure love the nieces and nephews and the pictures I get of them. We sure have the best looking ones in all the world!
I think the thing I am next most excited about is Kie getting his mission papers turned in.
I've had the time to ponder a lot on President Larkin's words this week. Is a newsletter back in December he wrote (lets see if I can remember it exactly):
"One day your plane will circle around the airport and land in your home town. You will be filled with incredible emotion as you see those eyes that have been eager, watching, and longing for your return. You will not be able to return fully in peace, however, if you left behind one of those eager eyes watching longing for the lights along the shore."
How deeply that advice touched me. I can remember reading that just before going to bed on Christmas eve. I sobbed myself to sleep. It still makes me emotional to this day. I want my family to know how much I love this work. I bear my witness that it is God's work. I bear testimony that I have not converted anyone. The spirit of the Lord has blessed this area with 3 converts since I have been here. I know he continually provides that lighthouse for the eager eyes to find. Please, always hold me accountable for my stewardship. I am ready to shed off more of the natural man, take up the rest of my nets, and thrust in my sickle with more might than I ever have. Only the spirit can convert a man that way.
For some reason, I have also thought about President Hollands words to new mission presidents. I don't know why but I just feel like incorporating some of my thoughts along with it. This wont be an exact quote because I dont remember all of it.
[Presidents, you'll have occassion to ask, and your missionaries, will have many occassions to ask: "Why is it so hard?" Why isn't our success more rampant, why aren't more people joinging the church?" These are questions that a nineteen, a twenty, a twenty one, and twenty two year-old will ask themselves. They are questions I have asked myself. I have a feeling on the matter, its not doctrine perse, its just my feeling. I am convinced that missionary work is not easy because SALVATION IS NOT A CHEAP EXPERIENCE!!! Salavation was NEVER EASY. Why would we wonder... why would we think that salvation would be easy when it was it was NEVER EASY FOR HIM! I'm not saying that we have to suffer anything like the Savior did or in anything close to it. That would be presumtuious and frankly, sacreligious. But MARK, MY, WORDS. Missionaries and investigators who take upon themselves the name of Christ - Missionaries, AND investigators - will have to experience a little something, a token of what He paid for us. It will only be a token... But I believe it has to be paid. So when your missionaries struggle. When they wonder if there isn't a better way, help them understand that one much greater. Someone much better... asked the same thing. And if they can learn to love it. The atonement will carry them.]
I bear my personal testimony of Heavenly Father's divine sacrifice of His Only Begotten Son. I bear you my witness that I know without possible reservation that Joseph Smith is a prophet of God. I bear you my humble love, and fondness for my Savior and my gratitude to be able to serve in His name. I love Him. May we all continue to become more like him.
I love you all so much,
P.S. is there any news on what the missionary department has on extending my mission?

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