Saturday, March 30, 2013


Dear Family,
I have come to learn a little more this week, that God is our loving Heavenly Father. Those are the first words in the first lesson of Preach My Gospel. Numberwise, this week was successful. I hope and pray that is not what I base my testimony or realization of divine correspondence on. I feel like I came to know Heavenly Father a little better this week. I remember a great personal study I had at the beginning of the week as I looked through my study journal (organized chaos) - I noticed that I had a couple of occasions to write down questions for President Larkin before my interviews with him. I typically leave disapointed because I never have time to ask all that I want to ask. The spirit came, and it probably had told me in the passed, "Why don't you anticipate talking with your Heavenly Father as much as you do with your mission president?" The question was valid to be sure. Whenever I prepare to meet with President Larkin, I ponder, I consider my mission, and I write down questions to ask him, eagerly awaiting a response of wisdom that will change my mission forever. Perhaps I just needed to boost my testimony that God answers prayers. And, quite frankly, he can do more for me that President Larkin could ever hope to do. But thank goodness for a worthy and in-tune priesthood leader to direct, simplify, and recieve guidance for the most important work on Earth.
Now, whenever I pray, I imagine myself accross the desk in an interview with my Heavenly Father. When I do that, I speak "as one man speaketh with another." (1 Nephi 11) I can expect answers back because I really talk with my Father in Heaven. Unfortunately, or perhaps fortunately, just as with everything in the Gospel, there is no one formula to which we can conform that will solve all of our problems and weaknesses. We have already been given that: The Gospel of Jesus Christ - The Atonement. Does it amaze anyone else that 5 steps could change the course of history for every individual who privately applied the doctrine in their own life? It amazes me. I am a living product, still under mantainance, by and through the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I am not strong as to things of this world or to the flesh, but I can testify that my Heavenly Father is strong and He will put down every stumbling block, and will give us the patience to accept stumbling blocks that do not go away quickly. All that He requires of us is to have a willing, or broken heart, and a humble and contrite spirit. You just have to read, pray, go to church, and eventually fulfill and magnify your calling, and love and serve those around you. What a beautiful thing.
We had five investigators come to church yesterday and we have a baptism next weekend and perhaps the weekend after that!!! 8 investigators have accepted to work towards a specific date for baptism! Thank you for your prayers! I love you all!
Dad: Thanks for the card from you and mom! That was awesome! I hope something goes better with your computer!
Mom: Thanks for your e-mail! I am so grateful for your thoughts about prayer and the card you sent!
Rachel and James: Love you, and hope all is well!
Jeremy and Heidi: Chloe is still super cute! Love you!
Elizabeth and James: The cake looked delicious and the pictures are always appreciated and I am so grateful for them!
Erik: I love you! Hope everything is ok!
I love you all!

Elder William Lloyd Lovell
Washington, Seattle Mission
10675 NE 20th Street
Bellevue, Washington 98004

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